Reproduction for distribution of the materials contained within this website, or within resources listed on the website, requires permission from the copyright holder.
The Edmonton Violence Prevention Centre respects and maintains the confidentiality of Changing PathWays clients, their partners, and their children. No clients, or partners or children of clients, appear in the photos or graphics on this website.
Client testimonials have been provided by the clients with their permission to include them on the website. Information that may reveal the identity of the client has been omitted or altered.
All other comments are derived from feedback that we frequently receive from men who have completed the program. They are general comments that have been paraphrased and are not attributable to any one person.
The Edmonton Violence Prevention Centre recognizes that intimate partner violence does not always involve a male using abuse against a female. We also list referral sources that address women abusing male partners or abuse occurring within same-sex relationships.
Unless stated otherwise, inclusion of a link to a community resource or document does not indicate that EVPC has any direct association with the resource or its publications.
Family violence is a complex issue. The information provided on this site is not comprehensive. It should not be considered a substitution for accessing counselling.